Extra Credit for "Greetings Extended"

Want to keep exploring greetings? Check out the following:

  • "The Culture of Greetings" (10:05): Street interviews in Bambara about the importance of saying hello in Bamako, Mali. Click here to watch. [NOTE: Later in your learning, you will be able to do complete workbook chapters such as this one focused on the grammar and vocab of the episode. For now, just watch it as a cultural exploration!]
  • How to say "What's up?" (9:01): Interview-lesson about 5 informal expressions for saying "What's up?" in Bambara/Jula. Click here to watch and study. [NOTE: This chapter uses some grammar that is more advanced than what you will have learned in the course thus far. Watch the video for the exposure, but don't get caught up on the vocab or exercises. You can return to them down the road.]