How to say "What's up?" in Bambara


A video goes here and it's coming soon!

Kow bɛ (cogo) di?
How are affairs?
Kow ka ɲi
Affairs are good
Kow bɛɛ ka ɲi
All affairs are good
Kow man ɲi
Affairs are bad
Ko si man ɲi
No affair is good
À bɛ (cogo) di?
How is it?
À bɛ ten
It's like that
À tɛ ten
It's not like that
À tɛ cogo la
It's not in order
Kan jumɛn bɛ yen?
What word is there?
Kan jumɛn b'i da?
What word is there in your mouth?
Kan (foyi) tɛ yen
There's no word
Kan (foyi) tɛ n da
There's no word in my mouth
Kibaruya jumɛn bɛ yen?
Which news is there?
Kibaruya (foyi) tɛ yen
There's no news
I b'à kan?
Are you on it?
N b'à kan (dɔɔnin)
I'm on it (a little)
a little bit

Coming soon!

(👋 Make sure to turn on the sound! Instructions here.)

Flashcards go here. Coming soon!