Dugutaga | Travel

Abidjan's downtown Plateau neighborhood
tile fila

two days (often used to express "a while")

ka mɔgɔ sama
to give sb a gift from one's travels (Lit. "To gift sb")
gift (from travels)
ka na ni X ye
to bring X
ka sɛgɛn
to tire
ka se
to able to
ka ko [su]

to fall [night]

ka tɛmɛ
to pass (by)
k'à minɛ
to grab sth
Audio file

SITUATION: Abi just got back from a trip. She is walking in her neighborhood when a friend, Baba, greets her.

BABA: Abi, i ni fama!
ABI: Nse! I ni ce.
BABA: I tun bɛ Ameriki? [1]
ABI: Ayi, n tun tɛ so. N tun bɛ Abidjan.
BABA: À ka di?
ABI: Kosɛbɛ! N terimuso sigilen bɛ yen. N taara tile fila kɛ ale fɛ. [2]
BABA: O ka ɲi. I y'an sama?
ABI: Ɔwɔ! I ka sama bɛ du kɔnɔ.
BABA: I tun bɛ na n'à ye kɛ! [3]
ABI: Hakɛto b'à la! N sɛgɛnnen don. À ka girin. N ma se ka na n'à ye.
BABA: Baasi tɛ! Su kolen, n bɛna tɛmɛ k'à minɛ!

BABA: Abi, it's been a while!
ABI: Nse! Hi.
BABA: You were in America? [1]
ABI: No, I wasn't at home. I was in Abidjan.
BABA: Is it pleasant (that you went there)?
ABI: Definitely! My friend lives there. I went and spent two days at her place. [2]
BABA: That's good. Did you gift us?
ABI: Yes! Your gift is in the courtyard.
BABA: You should have brought it, man! [3]
ABI: My apologies! I'm tired. It's heavy. I wasn't able to bring it.
BABA: No problem! Once night has fallen, I will come and grab it.

Grammar Points

  • 1) Retrospective marker tun in non-verbal constructions
  • 2) The resultative participle -len
  • 3) Retrospective marker tun in verbal constructions

[Video coming soon!]