Essential Benedictions


A video goes here and it's coming soon!

benediction; blessing
ka dugawu kɛ
to make a benediction
ka dugawu kɛ mɔgɔ ye
to say a benediction for/to sb
Ala ka sira diya!
May God make the road pleasing!
Ala k'i seko ɲɛ!
May God make your arrival affair good!
Ala k'i ɲuman don!
May God make you arrive well!
Ala k'i sɔn!
May God provide for you!
Ala m'i sɔnna!
May God provide for you! [with "ma"]
Ala k'an sɔn!
May God provide for us!
Ala m'an sɔnna!
May God provide for us! [with "ma"]
Ala ka kɛnɛya di!
May God give health!
Ala ka tɔɔrɔ dɔgɔya!
May God reduce the suffering!
Ala ka nɔgɔya kɛ!
May God do easing!
Ala k'à kɛ furu ye!
May God make it a marriage!
Ala k'aw bɛn kelen ma!
May God unite you as one!
Ala ka lon/don ɲuman di!
May God give you a good day!
Ala k'i ɲuman jigin!
May God make you deliver well!
Ala ka den balo!
May God nourish the child!
Ala ka san hɛɛrɛ caya!
May God make the year's peace abundant!
Ala ka san wɛrɛ di an ma!
May God give us next year!
Ala ka san wɛrɛ jira/yira an an!
May God show you us next year!
Ala k'à jiginyɔrɔ ɲɛ!
May God make their resting place good!
Ala ha hinɛ à la!
May God have pity on them!
Ala k'à layɔrɔ/dayɔrɔ suma!
May God cool their resting place!

Coming soon!

(👋 Make sure to turn on the sound! Instructions here.)

Flashcards go here. Coming soon!