Private Lessons

Complement your online course with 1-on-1 sessions with me

You've been learning online on your own, but you would like to enhance your learning or get individualized attention from me, you can take via private lessons with me.

Here's all the information about how it works.

When to Start?

Although there is no hard and fast rule, I recommend that you complete at least Unit 1 of the Beginner Bambara course before considering private lessons. This will provide you with a basic foundation that will make 1-on-1 lessons where we mainly practice the language via special activities more useful and fun. You can also choose to work further through the course before starting private lessons. Some people have even chosen to complete the entire online course beforehand, which also works well. It all depends on your personal preference and learning style.

How Does it Work?

Private lessons can be scheduled weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. In each session (via Zoom), we use a shared GoogleDoc as a blackboard to engage in a variety of activities designed to practice and reinforce the content from your online course. This is also a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. After each lesson, I provide clear directions on what to work on for homework before our next session. Plus, you have access to the GoogleDoc that we used. Feel free to download it, print it, or simply keep it handy for future reference.

What's Covered?

Regardless of when you begin, we will start by focusing on topics that align with the Beginner Bambara course. Once we are sure that you master them well, we can gradually move on to more advanced topics.

Pricing, Availability and Sign-Up

Generally, my rate for hourly lessons is $60/hour.

The availability of private lessons is subject to space in my schedule. I generally offer these sessions from 1-6pm Paris time from Monday to Thursday, and from 1-4pm on Friday.

Ready to sign up? Interested? Contact me via email at!