
Nice work! You finished the whole A1 Beginner Bambara course! Did you go for the certificate? You’ll hear from me soon! Otherwise, thank you so much for taking this course! Ala ka nafa bɔ à la! May God make good things come of it! :-)

Keep learning!

There’s a few ways you can keep learning with An ka taa/me:

  • Intermediate Subscription: A series of virtual books that pairs text, vocab and exercises with videos from Basic Bambara, Kuma Bakolo, Na baro kè, and more! Learn more here.

  • Lessons: Private lessons will be more fun and useful now that you have the basics down! Learn more here.

  • Free media & resources: The Dictionary, Forum, videos, write-ups, etc., are all linked to from the menus at the top of the website :-)


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Stay in touch

Want to keep up on An ka taa projects, courses, videos, etc? There’s a few ways you can do that:

Final words

Thanks again for taking the course. Until next time! I ni ce! K’an bɛn kɔfɛ!

– Coleman (“Adama”)