
So you are curious about the Course Certicate? :-)

🎁 What the Certificate gives you

The Certificate for the Beginner Maninka Course gives you a few things:

  • A clear and concrete goal: Your ultimate goal, of course, is to “speak Maninka.” But that’s long-term and it’s hard to measure. Successfully completing exercises, quizzes and a test with passing grades is good practical goal!

  • Real human feedback: Exercises that a computer can correct are convenient because you know whether you were right or wrong on the spot. But only a human can judge whether you actually are speaking and writing correctly in real life! And only an actual teacher (like me, Coleman) can give you corrections and tips, so you don’t make the same mistakes again :-)

  • Proof to others: Real learning has nothing to do with grades or diplomas. But sometimes in this broken world that we live in, it is helpful to have a piece of paper that you can show your boss, professor or your family on the refrigerator.

🥅 What you have to do

To get the course certificate, you must submit the following graded assignments:

  1. Speaking: You must successfully complete all 19 of the Speaking assignments.

  2. Quizzes/Exam: You must complete the quiz or Exam at the end of each Unit (1–4).

🚏How you do it

  1. Speaking: When you complete any of the Speaking assignments, I receive an email notification. Next, I review your submission and provide feedback via FlipGrid—you should get an email notification when I do.

  2. Quizzes/Exam: When you complete any quiz or the exam, I receive an email notification at the end of the day. Then, I review your submission and provide you with feedback in a PDF via email.

  3. Certificate: When you have completed everything successfully (that is, with a satisfactory level), I’ll email you your certificate :-)


What are the benefits of the Certificate? The certificate is good for motivating yourself and assuring that you will get feedback from me (Coleman!) as you go through the course material. Plus, you can put it on your fridge or show it to your boss if you want :-)
Do I have to go for the Certificate? No! :-) There are graded and ungraded version of the quizzes and exam.
Is there a final date or any time constraints for the Course Certificate? No. You can pursue it for as long as your are enrolled in the Course! (But it is meant to help you finish things sooner rather than later. If I see that you aren't advancing at all for a while, I'll likely check in with you!)
What form will the Certificate be in? It’s a custom PDF that I’ll make with your name, the date and my signature! 🙃