Weleli | A Call


SITUATION: Abi is hanging out with Baba. Her phone rings and she picks it up. Afterwards, Baba asks her about about the call.

- BABA: O tun ye jɔn ye? [1]
- ABI: An teri Mamadi tun don.
- BABA: À tun ka di?
- ABI: Juguman tun tɛ. À tun taara dugu la. À bɛ yan sisan. [2]
- BABA: À tun bɛ min?
- ABI: Sikasso.
- BABA: Sikasso?! Ɛ! N tun b'à fɛ ka taa yen.

- BABA: Who was that? [1]
- ABI: It was our friend Mamadi.
- BABA: Was it sweet? [as in, "Was he calling for a good reason?]
- ABI: It wasn't anything bad. He had gone traveling. Here's here now. [2]
- BABA: Where was he?
- ABI: Sikasso.
- BABA: Sikasso?! Man! I wanted to go there too.

Grammar Points

  • 1) Retrospective marker tun in non-verbal constructions
  • 2) Retrospective marker tun in verbal constructions

For this chapter, there isn't yet a video lesson. To better understand the grammar points, please review the following draft Grammar chapter:

[Video coming soon!]